TrainRite Exercise & Macronutrient Journal | Amazon.caeBayEtsy

Thinks it’s just for bodybuilders? Wrong. Tracking both your exercise activity and your nutrition is an essential tool in achieving your performance or weight loss goal.

Macronutrient or “macro” tracking in particular can literally tell you a story about how your body handles and reacts to various proportions of each. While this science does lend well to body builders, people like you and I can benefit significantly from actually looking at what’s in what we’re eating. Slight adjustments to your carbohydrate, fat or protein intake may be all you need to understand what your particular body needs. Tracking these can help you slim down when you’ve hit a wall, gain control of cravings or simply understand exactly what you’re putting into your body. Of course, this journal also logs all your daily exercise activity.

The TrainRite Exercise & [Macro]Nutrition Journal logs your daily exercise activity, nutrition including macronutrients.  Each durable book contains both 45 workouts and 45 days of nutrition tracking. It includes a workout planning sticker that allows you to create a 2-week fitness regimen that will last for months when planned with a wide variety of exercises. Use it to look back and see what was effective, and what wasn’t working for you.

What you get:

  • Small, durable coil bound journal with waterproof covers (3.5 x 8.5”)
  • 45 workouts worth of weight lifting logging
  • Each workout tracks 10+1 exercises per workout, and 1 cardio
  • 4 sets per exercise with variable weight
  • 45 days of macronutrient logging
  • Log 20 food items per day, macros daily calorie intake, and weight
  • Rotating 2–week workout schedule sticker forces you to plan your schedule far in advance

Remember: to achieve your goals you must create a plan and be consistent with it. TrainRite Journals are an essential tool to help you reach your fitness goals.

Buy it here: | Amazon.caeBayEtsy

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